klimafreundlich transportiert

Der Transport erfolgt mit modernsten LKWs und zusätzlich kompensieren Projekte unserer Partner das CO2 global. PIRIN ist nachhaltig von der Quelle bis zur Zelle.


Wasserkraft als Energieerzeuger - UN Projekt

24 MW Bhilangana - III Hydro Power Project




Bhilangana - III (B-III) is a run-of-the-river 24 MW (consisting 3 units of 8 MW each) Hydro Power Project located at Village Ghuttu, Tehsil Ghansali, District Tehri, Uttarakhand State, India. The project activity contemplates utilization of water of Bhilangana River, a tributary of the river Bhagirathi, for setting up an environmentally benign project for generation of electricity.

The project activity is implemented by Bhilangana Hydro Power Limited (BHPL) with the objective of ensuring effective and efficient utilization of natural resources, coupled with responsible environmental consideration, which are vital for achieving sustainable  development in India.


The electricity generated from the project site will be displacing the grid electricity (a grid mix contributed from different fuel sources) by its equivalent units. Thus, the project activity will be preventing the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the fossil fuel (coal, diesel, furnace oil and gas etc.) based thermal power stations in the grid and will be contributing to sustainable development through conservation of environment. The project is a run of river type with minimum environmental impact and the generated electricity is being sold to the state electricity grid, thus reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing C02 emissions. The project activity by generating clean power has excellent environment benefits in terms of reduction of GHG emissions and conservation of natural resources.


The project activity would lead to alleviation of poverty by establishing direct & indirect benefits through employment generation at all levels from unskilled to skilled workers during the construction & operation phases.


More details about the project can be found here.


For more information on the social benefits of the project click here.



Wasserkraft als Energieerzeuger - UN Projekt

6.25 MW grid-connected Sattegala





6.25 MW grid-connected Sattegala Mini Hydel Scheme at SLS Power Industries Ltd., in Chamarajanagar District, Karnataka  


The project generates electricity using hydro potential available in Cauvery River and exporting the generated electricity to the state-owned power utility company Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (KPTCL).

Details of the Mini Hydel Scheme are as follows:


The project involves implementation and operation of a 6.25 MW Small Hydroelectric grid connected with the renewable energy project on right bank of Cauvery river about 2 Km upstream of the Sattegala bridge in District Chamarajanagar (Karnataka, India) and exporting the generated electricity to the state owned power utility company Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (KPTCL).


There is a diesel generator of 63 kVA capacity, which was used at the time of construction and the present use of the same is negligible (since the project is run of river and not canal based) compared to the amount of CO2 displacement of the project activity. However, the diesel consumption will be monitored during the whole crediting period.


Environmental well-being:


The project utilizes environmentally safe and sound technologies of small-scale hydroelectric power generation and demonstrates harnessing of hydro potential, thus encouraging setting up of similar projects.

The project does not create any negative impact on the environment, as there is no submergence or stagnation of water.

The project will not have any negative impact on the public health scenario or natural resources of the region.

The project reduces GHG emissions which would have taken place in the absence of the project due to generation of the similar proportion of electricity generated by the project from fossil fuel based generating stations.


More details about the project can be found here.




Wasserkraft als Energieerzeuger - UN Projekt

Santana I SHP CDM Project (JUN 1118)




The project generates electricity from a renewable source. Unlike large hydroelectric facilities, Sanatana I, a plant with an installed capacity of 14.75 MW, has virtually no environmental impact. This project uses natural resources efficiently and contributes to sustainable development in Brazil.

The project generates electricity from a renewable source (hydroelectric source), through the small hydro power plant Santana I. This project was developed by Firenze Energética S/A, a private company that is part of the Interalli Group. Interalli Group, based in Curitiba, Brazil, has diverse operations, including technological development of seeds and planting, port terminal facilities, logistic systems, export and import of commodities, and hydroelectric energy generation plants.

Aufforstungsprojekte weltweit

Der Klimaschutzbeitrag fließt direkt in Aufforstungs- und Schutzprojekte von Naturefund. An mehreren Standorten weltweit werden Bäume gepflanzt, Wälder geschützt und Ökosysteme gestärkt. Neben den Beiträgen aus dem Blue Planet Certificate und Spenden von Privatpersonen und Sponsoren, unterstützen auch Institutionen wie das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und die Deutsche Umwelthilfe die Projekte und fördern die Pflanzung weiterer Bäume.

Ökosysteme als CO2-Speicher

Natürliche Wälder, ein gesunder Boden und intakte Ökosysteme speichern CO2 im großen Stil. Darüber hinaus geben sie uns Nahrung, sauberes Wasser und schaffen Lebensperpektiven für uns Menschen. Daher schützt das Blue Planet Certificate von Naturefund gezielt natürliche Ökosysteme.